Author Archives: Andrew Collier

China: Notes from Washington/Trade War

Global Source Partners

China: Notes from Washington/Trade War

Andrew Collier | Oct 17, 2019

Executive Summary

I just returned from a three-day trip to Washington DC meeting local corporates, the Mansfield Foundation, CSIS, the State Department, and officials at the White House. Overall, the tone in Washington is decidedly negative. There is a growing consensus that China is rising, the trade war is hurting, and authoritarianism is increasing – and it is the role of the United States to counter these dark trends. It has truly boiled down to a Manichean “clash of civilizations.” I do not agree with many of the viewpoints and believe they misrepresent the mindset of the Chinese leadership.

Meanwhile, while I was in Washington, “stage one” of the trade agreement was announced. It addresses two of four initial White House demands: purchase of US goods and market entry for U.S. financials. Subsidies and IP protection are to be arranged in stage two. This is a clear failure of the trade talks and an obvious payoff for President Trump’s political base.

Trade deal – not much there

The trade deal was a remarkable abandonment of the White House’ political goals. In one swoop, the President walked away from his main goals. USTR Head Robert Lighthizer’s year-long negotiations to enact limits on Chinese corporate behavior fell by the wayside in the face of political imperatives. We assume Steven Mnuchin simply wanted the problem to go away and either pushed a deal or went along with it, most likely at the request of the President.

It is highly unlikely stage two will be successful because the requests of China are impossible. Namely:

State subsidies. Elimination of state subsidies was always the least likely result of the talks. They are the heart of the Chinese financial system. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The profits of ten companies account for approximately 70% of net profits of central SOEs. They are politically powerful, remit a portion of profits to the state, and in some cases address Xi Jinping’s desire to create Chinese global giants. He does not want their reach diminished.
  2. These central SOEs are significant consumers of capital due to their inefficiency. From 2001 to 2009, the average return on equity of SOEs was 8.16%, while that of non-state owned industrial enterprises was 12.9%. In 2009, the return on equity of SOEs was 8.18%, while it was 15.59% for non-stated owned industrial enterprises.
  3. Ministry of Finance data shows that more than 40% of state enterprises lost money in 2016. Therefore, without subsidies they would be in trouble.

(Full report available at Global Source Partners)

Hong Kong’s Lost Role as a Financial Center – FT Op-Ed

Hong Kong’s not so special status as China’s financial centre

Over time, Beijing will be perfectly happy to see it replaced by Shenzhen and Shanghai

Financial Times . September 27, 2019

Andrew Collier

Does China need Hong Kong as a financial centre? The People’s Daily certainly thinks so. In an editorial on September 16, the paper argued that Hong Kong was irreplaceable for China because of its importance as an offshore renminbi trading hub, its rule of law, its role as a risk and wealth management centre and its place as one of the freest economies in the world.

But is this true? Unfortunately, due to the globalisation of finance, along with rising mainland control of Hong Kong’s banks and corporate life, Hong Kong’s role in China’s financial system is likely to diminish.

The chief executive of the London Stock Exchange dismissed Hong Kong’s significance as a financial centre when the LSE rejected a takeover offer from the Hong Kong Exchange. “We view Shanghai as the financial centre of China,” David Schwimmer, the LSE’s chief executive, told the South China Morning Post.

In commercial banking, Hong Kong has outstanding loans (including non-formal “shadow loans”) of $725bn to the mainland. This is a hefty chunk of outstanding loans — 35 per cent of the total. But for the mainland, it is only 3.7 per cent of outstanding domestic loans of $19.7tn. Almost 40 per cent of the Hong Kong loans go to state-owned firms, which already have relatively easy access to capital within the mainland.

Hong Kong has an important and global stock exchange but volumes are far smaller than up north. Average daily volume is about $8bn, compared with $48bn in Shanghai and Shenzhen 1/4

27/09/2019 Hong Kong’s not so special status as China’s financial centre | Financial Times


One of the big arguments for Hong Kong’s role is that it is a centre for the initial public offerings (IPOs) of Chinese firms, attracting crucial global capital. Hong Kong was the home of 73 per cent of mainland companies’ IPOs overseas between 2010 and 2018. In the same vein, Hong Kong accounted for 60 per cent of overseas bond issuance of mainland companies and 26 per cent of their syndicated loans, according to data from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and investment bank Natixis.

However, although the Hong Kong market has been an important source of capital for mainland companies, offshore listings have grown significantly. By February 2019, there were 156 Chinese companies listed on US exchanges, with a total market capitalisation of $1.2tn, including at least 11 Chinese state-owned companies, according to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission. Although the trade war has clouded the growth path, offshore listings in other countries could eventually replace Hong Kong for corporate listings.

Hong Kong also has an important bond market for China, with $177bn of bonds traded there. Once again, the offshore bond market is growing and could replace Hong Kong as a source of capital. Currently, there are $308bn of outstanding US dollar offshore bonds issued by Chinese companies.

Most sales of bonds and IPOs involve a global “roadshow” where the bank takes the company to visit investors across the world, usually including New York, San Francisco, London, Frankfurt and other cities. This makes any one location less important than it used to be.

There are a few other international programmes where Hong Kong plays a role for China. This includes the stock connect, under which foreign investors get preferential treatment when buying domestic Chinese shares via Hong Kong. Over the past year, this has attracted between $50bn and $90bn. This may be illusory. Interviews with traders (there are no available data) suggest a large percentage of this consists of Chinese state firms bringing capital back into the country, rather than true inflows of foreign capital.

Trade finance is also cited as an important link for the mainland. But that only accounts for HK$260bn ($33bn), or just 6.2 per cent of mainland loans at the end of 2018. This would be time-consuming but not impossible to replace in other jurisdictions. Similarly for wealth management; Singapore, Zurich and many other regions would be able — and happy — to pick up the slack.

The other area of focus for China is the internationalisation of its currency, an area where Hong Kong plays a key role as middleman between China and the global economy. Unfortunately, due to China’s closed economy, this has not been terribly successful, and as of April 2019 constituted just 4.3 per cent of global foreign exchange trading. Much of this is restricted to trading partners of China forced to trade in renminbi. The convertibility of the Hong Kong dollar is important to China but the eventual, more widespread use of the renminbi will erode this advantage. 2/4

27/09/2019 Hong Kong’s not so special status as China’s financial centre | Financial Times

So if Hong Kong is not that important to China as a financial centre, what is its role? In a word: control. Much of Beijing’s interest in upholding the independence of Hong Kong has less to do with access to global capital than it does with controlling that access. As one Beijing finance official told me this month: “If you sell bonds in New York you have to give information to New York. In Hong Kong we have more control.” It is true, for example, that shifting to other exchanges for stock listings may be problematic if the US follows through on threats to remove Chinese firms from domestic markets.

This is confirmed by the gradual “mainlandisation” of the Hong Kong economy. Mainland commercial Chinese banks have expanded 3.2 times since 2010, reaching $1.2tn in assets, at a higher growth rate than the rest of the banking sector. Their share of Hong Kong bank assets has increased from 22 per cent in 2010 to 37 per cent in 2018. Ten years ago, only two Chinese investment banks were in the top 10 for IPOs. Now, there are five. Unfortunately, their access to favoured clients and ways of doing business don’t always square with Hong Kong’s vaunted independence.

This interference in corporate and financial activity was made clear during the recent protests, when Cathay Pacific fired two pilots due to their participation in the demonstrations. There was further confirmation from a report by Reuters that mainland state firms were ordered to invest more in key Hong Kong businesses such as real estate and tourism. Oddly enough, this appeared to be a valiant attempt to boost the Hong Kong economy, but the end result could be greater state ownership of Hong Kong corporate assets.

There are also unconfirmed rumours that local accounting firms have been asked to confirm that their employees are not demonstrating on the streets, or these firms won’t get mainland business. This slippage in Hong Kong’s independence is in direct conflict with the desire by Beijing to take advantage of the “regulatory arbitrage” provided by Hong Kong’s system, which could be lost over time.

As the independence of professional services — accounting, banking, corporate life — in Hong Kong is eroded, many Chinese firms will ask why they should pay the high fees for labour and rent when it is much cheaper across the border.

Practically, Beijing would not want Hong Kong’s financial advantages to disappear overnight. It takes time to develop new channels, which Beijing is busy doing. Eventually, though, China would be perfectly happy to see Shenzhen or Shanghai replace Hong Kong.

Andrew Collier is managing director of Orient Capital Research in Hong Kong

What Can China Lose in Hong Kong

Global Source Partners

What can China lose in Hong Kong?

Andrew Collier | September 2019

Executive Summary

How important is Hong Kong to China? What will happen — if and when the protests end — to the “special” relationship in the Jnancial sector between Hong Kong and the mainland? The argument is often made that China cannot afford to disrupt Hong Kong due to the important role it plays in providing capital for the mainland. We disagree with this due to the small size of capital Kows compared with domestic China and the new channels of US dollar Jnancing.

Possible Protest Outcomes

There has been much debate internationally and in Hong Kong about how the current state of protests end. The options include:

  • Gradual dying out of protests, particularly as the city’s 324,000 students go back to University.
  • A series of meetings leading to some compromise on both sides.
  • Rise in protests and police confrontation as the Carrie Lam administration refuses to offer any compromise solution, leading to a breakdown in law and order in Hong Kong.
  • Direct intervention by the People’s Liberation Army. Most people dismiss option four. Military intervention is too threatening to China’s role vis a vis Taiwan, and the West, to allow for a repeat of a “Tiananmen” style crackdown, particularly as the trade war negotiations rage on. In addition, it is widely accepted that it would be difJcult for the PLA to control a city under siege, given that 75% of the land is unoccupied and much of it is rural. In fact, only 25% of Hong Kong’s land is zoned for use, and only 3.8% is residential. If a military conclusion is unlikely, that leaves either a quiet dissolution of the protests, a negotiated compromise, or a breakdown in law and order. Currently, there are a number of attempts by independent groups in Hong Kong (academics, lawyers), to act as a “go-between” with the government and the protestors. It is not clear how much they can do given the intransigence of the Carrie Lam administration. One question that may affect Beijing’s decision whether to intervene more directly is how valuable Hong Kong is to China. Leaving aside Hong Kong’s security and symbolic positions, is Hong Kong still an important Jnancial center for mainland China?

There are four key industries in Hong Kong: Jnancial services (18.9% of GDP); tourism (4.5%); trading and logistics (21.5%); and professional services (12.5%). A downturn in any of these would hurt the mainland but clearly Jnancial services outweighs the others due to its size and importance to China.

Conclusion: Why Care about Hong Kong?

Hong Kong has more symbolic than Jnancial value to China. Security issues in Taiwan, along with concerns in Europe and the U.S., are more important factors to China than capital raising. This is mainly due to China’s increasing Jnancial integration globally.

In addition, there have been longstanding concerns in Beijing that corrupt money has been held offshore in Hong Kong. Beijing would be happy to Jnd a way to increase its control over the city to Kush them out.

To that end, China will inevitably seek to increase its control via the local police force, its own people Jltered throughout various parts of the government, along with a “third force” through its presence in local media and other organizations.

In a sense, the damage has been done by the protests and the reaction by the Hong Kong government. Externally, there will be declining faith in the independence of Hong Kong. This is likely to reduce the independence of the Jnancial institutions, law Jrms and accounting Jrms, that help to foster the viability of the Jnancial system. The question now, is how quickly Singapore, Frankfurt, and other cities can replace Hong Kong.

  • (For Full Report, Contact Global Source Partners

Renminbi retreat set to revive capital outflows pressure – Financial Times

15/08/2019 Renminbi retreat set to revive capital outflows pressure | Financial Times

Chinese capital controls (See my comments…)

Renminbi retreat set to revive capital outflows pressure
Breach of key threshold sees currency and its regulator face challenges on many fronts

Don Weinland in Beijing 9 HOURS AGO

The renminbi’s fall through the closely watched and previously well-defended threshold of Rmb7 to the US dollar last week has added to pressure on the Chinese currency on multiple fronts — posing a challenge for the foreign exchange watchdog, which is keen to keep capital flight in check.

Sudden declines in the value of China’s currency often prompt rich Chinese people to move money into US dollars or assets such as foreign real estate to avoid further wealth depreciation.

In addition, as the currency loses value against the dollar, Chinese companies with large US dollar debts are forced to exchange greater amounts of renminbi to make payments on offshore bonds. Strategists also fear the country will attract less foreign investment, a crucial source of capital inflows that help underpin the currency.

“Capital outflow pressure didn’t start on Monday [last week] but we expect it to see a strong increase,” said Alicia García Herrero, chief economist for Natixis in Asia Pacific. “This is going to cause people to recalculate investing in China this year.”

Capital outflows jumped to $85bn in the second quarter of the year from about $21bn in the first quarter. However, there was only a small outflow in July from the country’s foreign exchange reserves, which remained relatively stable at $3.1tn.

China has waged war on capital flight ever since the central bank’s shock 1.9 per cent devaluation of the renminbi in August 2015. In the year following that move, analysts estimated that more than $1tn flowed out of the country’s capital account, sparking concerns that its foreign reserves — a war chest for preventing a full-blown currency crisis — were running low. By January 2017, foreign

reserves were below $3tn for the first time in five years.

Since then the foreign exchange regulator has cracked down on backdoor channels for moving cash offshore, namely by stopping companies from making speculative real-estate and entertainment investments overseas — a campaign that has been largely effective in stemming serious outflows.

“The days of easy tricks to move capital offshore from China are gone due to tighter restrictions by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange,” said Andrew Collier, managing director at Orient Capital Research in Hong Kong. “However, there are limits, as large adjustments could trigger massive domestic offshore pressure due to concerns about a substantial weakening of the currency.”

One way capital is continuing to flow out of the country is through companies in second-tier cities, according to research by Mr Collier for GlobalSource Partners.

Such companies, which face less regulatory scrutiny than those in Beijing or Shanghai, have quotas for overseas direct investment that they offer to wealthy individuals for a fee, making use of a

loophole in a legal grey area. On paper, investments are made by the companies but much of the cash backing deals done via those quotas comes from people looking to move their money into overseas assets, the research suggests.

Still, some analysts say the heaviest pressure on China’s capital account will come not from investors attempting to escape a depreciating currency but from companies making payments on hundreds of billions of dollars in offshore debt.

Chinese companies have gone on a US dollar debt-raising binge in recent years. This year alone they have added more than $600bn to a debt pile that now totals about $3.5tn, according to Kevin Lai, chief economist for Asia ex-Japan at Daiwa Capital Markets.

Most Chinese companies will repay that debt by exchanging renminbi for dollars, and as the currency weakens the amount of renminbi they must exchange to make payments on those bonds increases.

“The need to move money offshore has existed for a long time but now corporates are under much more pressure to get out,” said Mr Lai. “With the [renminbi] breaking 7 [to the dollar] this is going to shake up everybody.”

China’s currency was trading at 7.04 per dollar on Wednesday, having weakened by about 5.3 per cent since February.

15/08/2019 Renminbi retreat set to revive capital outflows pressure | Financial Times

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China’s Currency Weakens in a Potential Challenge to Trump

Monday’s currency move by itself will not change China’s trade relations with the United States, but it could represent a new stage in the economic conflict between the two countries.
Monday’s currency move by itself will not change China’s trade relations with the United States, but it could represent a new stage in the economic conflict between the two countries.CreditCreditKin Cheung/Associated Press

By Alexandra Stevenson

  • Aug. 4, 201

BEIJING — China’s currency weakened past the psychologically important point of 7 to the American dollar for the first time in more than a decade, a move that reflects the growing severity of the trade war with the United States and that could indicate Beijing’s growing desire to find ways to retaliate against President Trump.

The renminbi traded in mainland China on Monday morning at roughly 7.02 to the dollar, compared with about 6.88 late on Friday. A higher number represents a weaker currency. The last time China’s currency was weaker than 7 to the dollar was in 2008, as the financial crisis mounted.

Monday’s move by itself will not change China’s trade relations with the United States. But the shift past 7 renminbi to the dollar could represent a new stage in the economic conflict between the two countries. American officials, including Mr. Trump, have long criticized Beijing for manipulating its currency to help its exporters. Should the currency continue to weaken, the Trump administration will most likely see that as a dramatic retaliation to the White House’s mounting tariffs.

“This can too easily be taken as a trade war devalue to take the pressure off,” said Fraser Howie, an author and former banker who writes about China’s financial system. “To that point, it is the quiet pushback from Beijing.”

The move shook investors worried that Monday’s currency move could presage a new front in the trade war. Stock markets in Tokyo and Hong Kong, a city where shares were also hit by work stoppages on Monday, tumbled more than 2 percent. Futures markets indicated Wall Street would probably open lower, too.

The People’s Bank of China, the country’s central bank, said on Monday that the renminbi’s move was in response to the “unilateralism and trade protectionism measures and the imposition of increased tariffs on China,” but emphasized that the Chinese currency remained stable.

“The People’s Bank of China has the experience, confidence and ability to keep the RMB exchange rate basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level,” it said in a statement.

A lot will depend on what happens next.

The Chinese government tightly controls the value of the renminbi. Its value fluctuates within a tight range anchored to a midpoint set daily by the People’s Bank of China. On Monday, the central bank set that midpoint at 6.9225 renminbi to the dollar.

Should the central bank continue to move the midpoint weaker, that would give room for the renminbi to weaken even more. While the renminbi at 7 to the dollar does not drastically alter the landscape compared with when it was at 6.9 to the dollar, the environment would change considerably if the renminbi weakened to 7.5 or 8 to the dollar.

“If the currency does stay below 7 for another day, that is a sign that Beijing has ‘weaponized’ the renminbi as a tool to improve exports during the trade war,” said Andrew Collier, managing director of Hong Kong-based Orient Capital Research.

A weaker currency in effect helps Chinese factories defray the cost of rising tariffs. Should the renminbi weaken further, the Trump administration could respond with higher tariff rates to keep pressure on Beijing to reach a trade deal.

But Beijing runs some risks if it continues to weaken the currency.

A weaker currency could prompt wealthy Chinese to shift their money out of the country, so nobody wants to hold investments in a currency that is losing value. It could dampen the spending power of Chinese consumers at a time when Beijing needs them to keep buying to bolster economic growth. It would put pressure on domestic and foreign companies in China that have debt denominated in American dollars. It would also affect Chinese companies like airlines that buy oil in dollars.

China’s Economic Growth Hits 27-Year Low as Trade War Stings

New York Times

(See my quote below)

July 15, 2019

A shopping mall in Beijing. Retail sales and spending on infrastructure offered bright spots in data that otherwise showed slumping growth.CreditLam Yik Fei for The New York Times

A shopping mall in Beijing. Retail sales and spending on infrastructure offered bright spots in data that otherwise showed slumping growth.CreditCreditLam Yik Fei for The New York Times

By Keith Bradsher

  • July 14, 2019

BEIJING — China’s growth fell to its slowest pace in nearly three decades, officials said on Monday, as a resurgence of trade tensions with the United States and lingering financial problems take an increasing toll on one of the world’s most vital economic engines.

Chinese officials said the economy grew 6.2 percent between April and June compared with a year earlier. While such economic growth would be the envy of most of the world, it represented the slowest pace in China since the beginning of modern quarterly record-keeping in 1992. That marks a significant slowdown from earlier this year, when growth came in at 6.4 percent, matching a 27-year low reached during the global financial crisis a decade ago.

Premier Li Keqiang set a target in March for economic growth to be between 6 and 6.5 percent this year. The figures on Monday fell within that range.

But much of the growth in the quarter may have taken place in April and early May, when public confidence was higher because of a tax cut in March and heavy infrastructure spending as spring began. Trade talks broke down on May 10 and President Trump raised tariffs sharply on Chinese goods, a step that damaged consumer confidence within China. Growth early in the quarter also would have taken place before the contentious government takeover of a bank in late May hurt financial confidence.

Chinese officials on Monday acknowledged that conditions are becoming increasingly difficult.

“Economic conditions are still severe both at home and abroad, the global economic growth is slowing down, the external instabilities and uncertainties are increasing, the unbalanced and inadequate development at home is still acute, and the economy is under new downward pressure,” said Mao Shengyong, a spokesman for China’s National Bureau of Statistics, in a news conference.

Mr. Mao downplayed the effects of trade, saying China’s economy increasingly relies on consumption.

But President Trump, in a Twitter message on Monday about the economic data, said that tariffs on Chinese goods “are having a major effect on companies wanting to leave China for non-tariffed countries.”

“Thousands of companies are leaving,” he said. “This is why China wants to make a deal with the U.S.”

Monthly economic data, particularly for imports, suggests that the second quarter started strong but then slowed. “There was certainly a surge in activity through April,” said George Magnus, a longtime specialist in the Chinese economy who is now at Oxford University. “Something happened in May.”

A used car dealership in Beijing. Auto sales have slumped badly.

A used car dealership in Beijing. Auto sales have slumped badly.CreditLam Yik Fei for The New York Times

The number may also understate the extent of the slowdown. Economists widely doubt the veracity of the overall Chinese growth figure, which shows far more stability than comparable numbers from the United States and elsewhere.

A few sectors of the Chinese economy are doing fairly well. The strongest sector appears to be the construction of infrastructure, much of it paid for with money borrowed by local, provincial and national government agencies. Retail sales ticked up as well.

The biggest drag on the Chinese economy lies in trade, which grew powerfully over the past three decades but has stopped rising in recent months. Exports dipped 1.3 percent in June from a year earlier, the government said on Friday, and imports fell 7.3 percent.

While the trade war has hurt American purchases from China, economic weakness in Europe and many Asian countries has caused overseas demand to weaken far more broadly than just in the United States. Last week, Singapore unexpectedly announced that its trade-dependent economy had shrunk at an annualized rate of 3.4 percent in the second quarter.

“The economy is definitely in a broad decelerating trend because the global economy is slowing down, so exports are slowing down,” said Larry Hu, the chief China economist at Macquarie Capital, the investment banking unit of a big Australian multinational.

China’s troubles have their roots not just in trade but also in a debt-laden financial system that has been shaken by a series of large shocks in the last few weeks.

On May 24, Chinese financial regulators took over Baoshang Bank in Inner Mongolia, a small institution that is part of a financial empire previously controlled by Xiao Jianhua, a financier who disappeared into the custody of government investigators two years ago. Regulators tried to force a few of its largest creditors to accept losses rather than bailing them out as a way to teach financiers to be more careful about where they put their institutions’ money.

Problems in some of the shadowy corners of China’s financial system have also frightened investors. China’s shadow banking system plays an important role in funding property projects and other private business ventures. But managers of some riskier investment products have had a hard time making high-interest payments to investors in recent weeks. In some cases they have also had trouble even repaying principal.

These incidents have set off a broader shift in recent weeks away from riskier investments. Institutions and households alike have been putting money into larger, more stable financial institutions run by the central government.

Big state-controlled banks have steered the bulk of their lending to state-owned enterprises. That long-running trend has hurt the real estate market and the broader private sector. 

The Chinese economy has come to rely largely on government investment in infrastructure projects. 

Regulators have repeatedly urged the big banks to lend more to small businesses and the private sector, and Mr. Li, the premier, did so again on July 2. But these exhortations have had limited effect so far. Bank lending officers worry that they might be blamed, or even investigated for corruption, if they extend large loans to struggling private businesses that then default as the economy weakens.

Andrew Collier, the managing director and founder of Orient Capital Research, a Hong Kong investment and economic research firm, said that troubles at Baoshang and in the shadow banking system had rattled financial markets but seemed to have been contained, at least so far.

“The Chinese central bank is watching carefully, and for now will use quiet means to avoid any shaky financial shenanigans,” he said.

Economists are watching for other potential warning signs, like inflation. Price increases have been tame, according to official statistics. But many in China complain that the actual cost of living is rising fast, particularly for food but also for rent and other daily expenses.

Industrial production has weakened this year, as has private sector investment. Housing sales have slowed, as buyers look harder for bargains but sellers have been reluctant to cut prices. Car factories have sharply reduced output in response to weak sales, although there were signs last month that consumer interest in buying luxury automobiles may finally be stabilizing.

The long-running trade war has prompted many multinational companies to look at ways to shift supply chains elsewhere. But many continue to invest in China to supply China’s own market as well as others, especially in Asia.

“The Chinese government will continue to work hard to create a more stable, fair, transparent and predictable investment environment,” Gao Feng, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said at a news briefing on Thursday.

He later added that “China has not experienced large-scale withdrawals of foreign capital.”

For now, though, the economy keeps running to a considerable extent because the Chinese government is pumping huge sums of money into infrastructure. It is building high-speed rail lines, immense highway bridges, ports and other facilities to connect ever smaller and less affluent cities and towns to the rest of the country.

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That infrastructure is making it easier to do business and move around even in some of the poorest and most remote areas of China. But bankers and economists worry about whether some of these investments will ever earn enough of a return to cover their cost.

“There’s a very weak commercial basis,” Mr. Magnus said, “for this credit-fueled infrastructure spending.”

Keith Bradsher has been covering the Chinese economy for The New York Times since 2002, as Hong Kong bureau chief and now as Shanghai bureau chief. He previously served as Detroit bureau chief and as a Washington correspondent covering trade and then monetary policy. Follow him on Twitter: @KeithBradsher.

The Trade War – Chinese Response

The trade war – the Chinese response

Andrew Collier | Jun 07, 2019

Executive Summary

We analyze the response of China to the trade war in four buckets: politics, macro-economy, global supply chains, and technology. Of the four, China’s technological development and global supply chains are likely to suffer the most.

Xi’s political power is weakened

The political realm is the most interesting aspect of the impact of the trade war on China. Because Xi has established his central role in the country’s leadership, he thus will take full responsibility for the success or failure of the trade negotiations. His own policies have hindered his success.

Xi entered the trade negotiations with a weakened and more ineffectual bureaucracy due to the centralization of his power. To increase his direct control of the government, Xi created 29 new Leading Small Working Groups (LSG) on top of the existing 54. Xi personally controls at least a dozen. This has a) lessened the input of bureaucratic experts; and b) reduced the effectiveness of policy implementation. Among the casualties has been the trade war negotiations.

As a result, initial advice on the trade war came from just a few trusted advisors, who are far more powerful than the original top negotiator deputy, Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen. These include economics czar Liu He, briefly at Harvard, former PBOC head Zhou Xiaochuan. who studied at the University of California for two years, and CBIRC Chairman Guo Shuqing, who was at Oxford for a year. All three are part of what I call “globalists” who view the world in the rational terms of international trade. In turn, they reportedly relied on American advisors such as Hank Paulson and Henry Kissinger for advice on trade negotiations. The result was a disaster and a failure for Xi Jinping as neither the Chinese nor the American side had any insight into the Trump Administration.

Other foreign policy failures have further hurt Xi’s reputation. This includes the Belt and Road, which many domestic institutions view as a waste of capital, and the diplomatic opposition from many Southeast Asian nations to Xi’s clear attempt to broaden China’s economic and military reach. This has led to quiet grumbling internally among the elite, both at academic institutions, and among the Snancial and business crowd. These complaints include the following:

In October 2018, Peking University professor Zhang Weiying criticized the China Model for being both bad policy and bad facts: “(The China model) will mislead us and destroy our progress. If we single- mindedly emphasize the uniqueness of the China model, internally we will strengthen SOEs, enlarge the authority of the government, and rely on industrial policies, which will lead to a retrogression of reform

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and a total waste of the great strides in reform. The economy will lapse into a quagmire.” He was echoing other critics of Xi Jinping thought.
Xi’s assertive foreign policy is widely seen inside of China as a radical departure from Deng Xiaoping’s policy of keeping a low profile. More recently, public pledges of support for Xi within the State Council was viewed not as a sign of strength but of weakness – why ask for support if you are in a position of strength?

Deng Pufang, the eldest son of Deng Xiaoping, at a national conference of disabled persons, criticized the spirit of Xi’s policy and called for “seeking truth from facts … maintaining a clear head, knowing one’s own strengths and weaknesses, and avoiding overestimating oneself and behaving recklessly.” The speech was seen as an attack on Xi and quickly censored within China.
Long Yongtu, a former vice minister of commerce who negotiated China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the late 1990s, publicly criticized Beijing’s handling of the trade dispute with Washington.

What does this mean for the outcome of the talks? Short-term, not much. China’s closed media environment will prevent these incidents from reaching ordinary people and eroding Xi’s national power. However, longer term, Xi’s clear failure to manage the trade talks, along with his backSred attempts to create a more powerful global China, have damaged his inTuence within the elite in ways that are likely to come back to haunt him.

On the economic front, trade is just one factor

China is no longer as dependent on trade as it once was. Chinese exports to the U.S. account for only 3.6% of GDP, down from 7.3% of GDP in 2006. China has issued a rash of stimulus policies but it is not clear these are directed at the trade war as much as the slowing economy in general.

Pushing the economy

China has three mechanisms for controlling the economy: credit policy, Sscal policy, and the exchange rate. The state has focused its efforts on the Srst two by expanding credit and reducing taxes. There was a substantial increase in Srst quarter 2019 total social Snancing, whose effects we witnessed during our interviews in Fujian a week ago. Local investors said the property market said they had seen a sharp turnaround in the property sector, up from a 30% price decline in 2018. Credit growth has moderated since Q1 2019 but remains above GDP growth. On the Sscal front, the interest rate on corporate loans was cut by 1%, and Beijing has continue to encourage the issuance of local government bonds and corporate bonds for local government Snancing vehicles (LGFVs), as a way to put investment capital in the hands of local governments.

There was one policy clearly directed at the US tariffs. The Ministry of Finance announced two rounds of VAT rebates on a variety of products covering by the US$50 billion and $200 billion tariff lists. Along with other measures, the head of the Ministry of Finance, Kun Liu, said the total deductions would add up to Rmb1.3 trillion.

Despite these measures, Beijing appears to be digging in the for the long haul on handling the economic impact of the trade dispute on the domestic economy, and views it as part of a larger issue of keeping economic growth on an even keel.

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Propping up the yuan “behind the scenes”

Countercyclical factor

The one area that has not been touched is the value of the currency. Beijing is unwilling to broach the 7.0 level for the yuan. There are signiScant tools the state uses to maintain the stability of the currency. China has acknowledged this when in 2018 it introduced “counter-cyclical factor” to keep the yuan’s daily midpoint Sxed to a relatively stable value.

The PBOC said it would institute this retroactively to May, 2017. The PBOC’s China Foreign Exchange System (CFETS) requested banks to feature this factor in their daily Sxing to avoid “irrational Tuctuation” –- but not reveal their methodology. A more upfront policy was apparent when, in March 2019, China sold US$20.5 billion in US treasuries, the highest level since October 2016.

State support for the yuan

Yuan trading is dominated by the large, state-owned banks; foreign banks have low market share. SigniScant inTows have been managed by state entities to support the currency. According to SAFE, in 2018 the net foreign capital inTow grew 9% YoY to US$483.8bn, among which net FDI in the stock market rose 29% YoY. During the same period, the net purchase of domestic bonds by foreign institutions rose to US$96.6bn, up 68% YoY. Also, the net purchase of domestic listed stocks grew by 85% YoY to US$42.5bn. The strong momentum continued in 1Q19, with the net purchase of domestic bonds and stocks reaching US$9.5bn and US$14.9bn, respectively.

But much of this was probably not foreign capital. We estimate that 80% of this so-called “foreign capital” consists of domestic funds transferred to Hong Kong via back channels created by the Chinese government. This inward capital controlled by Chinese institutions is then required to be reinvested in the domestic markets under a new label: offshore capital.

These “back channel” routes for strengthening the currency support the dual role the state has played in promoting an image of the free markets while quietly propping up the yuan. Bottom line, we expect continued “hidden” support to keep the yuan above 7.0. “We have never taken any intentional measures that would cause depreciation of the yuan to offset [the impact] of conTicts over trade,” CBIRC head Guo Shuqing told state media in May.

Global supply chains are the wild card in the trade equation

The impact of the trade war on China’s integration in global markets is hard to predict at this stage given the uncertainty about the outcome of the discussions. China has a dominant capacity in a number of sectors, including telecommunications, which will be difScult for other countries to replicate in the short-term. Longer term, the cost advantages in Southeast Asia and India in particular, in addition to their lower political confrontation with the U.S., will make them attractive alternate sources of manufacturing capacity.

Already, there is signiScant movement of production to Southeast Asia. For the top two manufactured goods, China has greater than 35% market share and more than 20% for the rest, which makes it difScult for other

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nations to challenge in the short run. ASEAN trails China except in electrical machinery. Vietnam’s economy has been boosted by almost 8% due to a shift in production from China, resulting from the US-China trade war. The majority of Vietnam’s gains came from additional imports of goods covered by US tariffs on China, including electronic equipment for telephones, furniture, and automatic data process machines, because multinationals were able to move production to Vietnamese factories.

China’s tariffs mainly target commodities (soybean and oil) and, to a lesser extent, high-tech products that ASEAN economies hardly produce or for which they do not have any relative comparative advantage

The altered supply changes have been underway for some time, however. China’s inward FDI declined from 62% of total global FDI in 2006 to only 27% by 2017.

China’s hoped-for dominance in tech is at risk

Huawei is the bellwether for China’s foreign policy failures

It is in technology that China has mishandled the trade war particularly badly. President Xi Jinping’s aggressive posture on creating global giants, has backSred, as the U.S. has had signiScant support from Europe against China’s ambitions. This is not only a blow to China’s transition from low to high-value-added goods, but to the country’s personal prestige as a force in global tech.

Huawei is the poster child of China’s problems in the tech sector.

China’s global market share exceeds 40% in the telecommunication sector as well as in ofSce machinery. Ericsson and Nokia respectively hold 27% and 22% of the 2G/3G/4G gear market against 31% for Huawei. According RWR Advisory Group, Chinese state-owned banks have lent Huawei and Huawei’s customers up to £7.5 billion. More than 70% of Britain’s 4G infrastructure was built by Huawei.

Huawei, itself, has shot itself in the foot by misrepresenting its ownership. The company’s chairman claims it is owned by employees. But in a careful note, legal scholar Donald Clarke of George Washington Law School and economist Christopher Balding argue persuasively that the company is either privately held by the chairman himself or by the state through proxies. If it is owned by a trade union, this is essentially state ownership. However, the ownership structure remains opaque. “Regardless of who, in a practical sense, owns and controls Huawei, it is clear that the employees do not.” If Huawei is a proxy for the state then its claims to be operating without following national security goals are unlikely.

Global supply chain problems

Huawei is highly dependent on U.S. suppliers for semiconductors and software. Huawei reportedly stockpiled a year’s worth of semiconductor inventory, but it can’t stockpile software updates, which would be the Srst step in harming its operations. ZTE suffered a similar fate when the Commerce Department embargoed its operations, as it could not upgrade the Oracle database in its mobile base stations.

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Huawei supplies carriers in more than one hundred countries around the world. It is also going to be the lead in rolling out China’s 5G networks, which is poised to lead the world in new technology. The embargo could be a catastrophe to China’s attempt to become a leader in 5G globally.

Huawei would also lose access to the key design chips produced by western Srms like Cadence, Synopsys and Siemens’ Mentor Graphics. Reliance on US semiconductor Srms in future years will be questioned due to the political nature of the attack on Huawei. In turn, however, the American embargo could backSre and harm the U.S. semiconductor industry that supplies circuitry to Huawei.

Undermining Beijing’s ambitions: the Tsinghua example

Although Huawei says it is a private company, there is signiScant state support for the technology sector in general in China. Among other Srms, Tsinghua Holdings, under the state-owned Tsinghua University, is a signiScant Snancial backer for China’s tech sector. As China’s top university, Tsinghua University is far ahead of its peers in terms of investments. Acting as the University’s investment platform, Tsinghua Holdings Co Ltd (Tsinghua Holdings) mainly operates in Sve specialized areas: advanced technologies (integrated circuitry, environmental protection and healthcare); innovation services; sci-tech Snance; creative and cultural industries; and online education. These operations are carried out by three major afSliated comprehensive groups such as Tongfang Co Ltd., Tsinghua Unigroup, and Tus Holdings Co Ltd.

After spending approximately US$5.19bn, Tsinghua Unigroup established its presence in the chip industry and was able to convince the Chinese government to appoint it the lead backer for China’s Tedgling semiconductor industry. Since then, the company has become the prime instrument for China’s strategic development of the domestic semiconductor business and has received substantial support from policy banks and the government’s VC funds. This state-supported model is under threat due both to the trade war and the security concerns in other nations, particularly in Europe.

Conclusions: What are we likely to see out of the trade dispute?

1) Weak domestic opposition. The internal pressure on Xi Jinping due to his foreign policy failures is unlikely to cause a dramatic change in the country’s leadership. The domestic media is heavily controlled, and the dissent by inTuential academics and former leaders is not enough to alter domestic power relations. Xi’s failures, however, are being noted domestically, which could accelerate his departure in the future.

2) No easy bargaining chips. The two main demands by the U.S., the end of state subsidies and new rules governing IP protection, are either impossible or unlikely given domestic nationalism. China could offer a “clawback” agreement, suggested earlier by the Trump Administration, whereby examples of stolen IP or other transgressions would be met with a resumption of tariffs. This could be mediated by a third party – if the White House would agree. This, although it would be met with resistance, would be achievable within China.

3) Focus on the economy. The trade war is only a smaller part of the larger problem Xi is facing of a weakening economy and excess debt. Therefore, Beijing is unwilling to make signiScant concessions that a) would weaken the perception of the leadership domestically; and b) fail to solve the larger problem of the economy.

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4) Quiet concessions. Despite the conTicting aims, Xi is likely to use Liu He and moderates such as Steve Mnuchin as a “back-channel” to make concessions such as:

a. An increase in purchase of US goods.
b. An agreement to pay Snes if IP contracts are abridged.
c. Quiet curbs on companies such as Huawei.
d. Continue to offer opening to the domestic market, as Guo Shuqing offered in a speech in May.

All of these discussions would have to be deniable. The collapse of the talks recently followed an exchange of documents – it is doubtful the Chinese backtracked from verbal commitments as the Trump Administration has claimed. Instead, the agreement, once on paper, was less than the White House had wished for. The Chinese do not traditionally lie in negotiations but prefer to issue vague statements to give them policy freedom.

This report can be found online at: chinese-response

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Ant Financial’s Aggressive Strategy

Microsoft Word – Ant’s Aggressive Strategy.docx

Ant Financial has got just enough bullets to cause a smallscale financial crisis.Economist with a State Owned Bank.

l Growing Market Share. Ant Financial has quickly taken market share from traditional banks, trust companies and other financial firms. Eventually, the regulators may reduce Ant’s consumer lending business to prevent losses by the bigger banks.

l Undercapitalized Bank.We estimate that Ant’s outstanding credit stands at 49x Ant Cash Now’s registered capital. This 2% capital adequacy ratio is far below the CBRC 8% requirement for commercial banks.

l Little Oversight. Ant Financial has lending data for Ant Credit Pay as it utilizes a “virtual credit card” and tracks user purchases. However, there is little data on Ant Cash Now’s loans issued directly to users. This raises red flags about potential defaults.

l Main Driver Behind Securitization. In 3Q 17, Alibaba and its finance units accounted for 82% of consumer credit ABS. This is a significant concentration of risk.

No QE for China

February 19, 2019

Executive Summary
There is a widespread expectation among western investors that China will enact quantitative easing to counter the effects of the trade war and the slowing economy. This is highly unlikely. Although there is substantial data indicating signiDcant pain in the economy, including defaulting SMEs, unemployment, and general declining economic activity, the policy statements and actions from the leadership suggest Beijing is intent on avoiding an open-ended stimulus package. They are doing this due to concerns about debt, inefDcient use of credit, and over-use of monetary policy for stimulus purposes.
Fine-tuning the policy response
The actions so far are targeted at specic areas of the economy as opposed to widespread loosening. These include:

  1. Perpetual bonds.
  2. Swaps: The creation of central bank bill swaps, which banks can exchange for PBOC paper.
  3. SME loans: CBIRC suggested targeted loans to private firms, which are supposed to compose
    one third of new loans of large banks, two thirds of new loans of small banks and no less than
    50 percent of new loans in the whole banking system after three years.
  4. Local bonds: 2019 Quota RMB 1.39 trillion.
  5. Tax cuts: Approximately 1.3T
  6. Increase in the fiscal deficit: This equates, however, to a relatively minimal increase of around
    RMB 300 billion (including other forms of deficit, such as bonds).
  7. The TMLF will have a maturity of one year, but banks can roll loans over twice, increasing the
    maximum maturity as long as three years, the central bank said. The one-year interest rate on the TMLF will be 3.15 percent, 0.15 percentage point lower than the rate on the medium-term lending facility (MLF).
    Many of these stimulus measures do not have a Dxed amount but are dependent on usage by the banks. By our rough estimate, they would supply roughly Rmb4.1 trillion to the economy.

The deeper issues – local fiscal problems and the property market

The bigger issue is that the de-risking measures so effectively implemented by the PBOC and other Beijing institutions have failed to address two problems:

  1. The unstable local fiscal economy.
  2. The continued importance of the property market to growth.

Both of these areas have relied increasingly on financial intermediation through the shadow market, which has been substantially curtailed.

For full report contact OCR.

China’s Winners and Losers


China has instituted several targeted stimulus measures designed to improve GDP growth and provide capital for small businesses, the country’s largest employment sector. These measures, however, are likely to be inadequate compared with the decline in capital due to the restrictions imposed on shadow lending. The results are likely to be:

  1. Difficulty maintaining land sales, which are already declining.
  2. A potential downward trend in the property market.
  3. Defaults of property developer bonds.
  4. Continued rise in defaults of local SMEs.

The key point is Beijing is responding to tighter credit conditions by picking winners and losers. It is lowering credit to certain regions in order to restrict the allocation of capital. While official policy via the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) can affect credit flows, the political system has a significant say in how the process works out. And we are seeing a distinct preference in those allocation decisions.

These measures are likely to provide less of a stimulus than the capital that was raised by the shadow banking system prior to the earlier crackdown. Newly increased RMB loans only amounted to RMB 1.8 trillion, not enough to compensate for the decline of RMB 6.5 trillion in shadow banking, which is more than three times larger. Although loan growth remained steady at 13%, total social financing has slowed to 9.8% from 14% a year ago. The chart below shows the decline in non-bank lending through mid 2018.This figure only includes “official” shadow lending, such as Trusts, and does not include other forms of non-bank lending such as wealth management products, which have seen flat growth even though the outstanding amount remains high at around RMB 30 trillion.